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Please tell us what topics you would like to discuss related to radioactive waste.
Reuse of low/very low level metallic waste
JohnRefurbishment and decommissioning of CANDU reactors produces a large volume of low level carbon steel waste that is ideal for the inner container for fuel waste disposal. There are a number of other examples of metallic waste and potential reuse opportunities.
Veto power granted to non-residents. [3]
JaroslavIs it possible to learn anything from past experience? (as in, the failure of the OPG-NWMO DGR project that was to be willingly hosted by the municipality of Kincardine)
Or are we just watching reruns? [4]
A national radioactive waste management agency [7]
MichaelA national organization whose ONLY purpose is to provide waste management services up to and including disposal to all waste owners in an integrated manned for all types of waste (like the organizations in several European countries) could fill the many gaps in current uncoordinated plans. Perhaps the NWMO mandate could be expanded to achieve that.
Nuclear fuel recycling [10]
CharlesRecycle used nuclear fuel through fast neutron reactors to improve energy harvesting 100X and reduce long lived fuel waste > 1000X.
Independent agencies for Nuclear Safety & Radioactive Products [13]
Brian BeatonThe current Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission is pretty much an industry rubber stamp effort with staff and commissioners consisting of former nuclear industry beneficiaries. The same corporate-captured leadership is demonstrated by the former Conservative government in 2015 when they gave away all of Canada's investments in nuclear research at the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) in Chalk River to the nuclear corporations led by the Canadian National Energy Alliance (CNEA) that includes SNC Lavalin. The current Liberal government is now supporting and spreading the nuclear industry false narratives. Similarly the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) is another agency led and funded by the nuclear industry producers in Canada. How can any responsible and informed Canadian possibly trust anything that comes from the nuclear industry when they have corrupted all levels of government and our agencies? Canada needs INDEPENDENT agencies staffed by people who can be trusted to protect and safely contain the deadly, most dangerous and expensive radioactive products and materials produced by the nuclear industry. Canada needs to stop producing more of these earth destroying radioactive products and move to a source of energy that protects Canadians along with the land, water and air we all depend upon for our existence.
Thanks for your contribution [16]
ModeratorThanks for your contribution and sharing your thoughts on the next step in the development of our integrated strategy for radioactive waste in Canada.
Our objective is to hear from all interested Canadians and Indigenous peoples to shape this strategy. We want this to be an open, inclusive process. There are no predetermined outcomes.
We hope you will continue to participate in this dialogue. The Canadian Radioactive Waste Summit is intended to be the beginning of the public engagement process to help inform the integrated strategy, and we are striving to have a multiplicity of voices to enrich the conversation. If you haven’t already, please register for the Canadian Radioactive Waste Summit. [17] [18]
NWMO's activity in South Bruce [21]
David J WoodFor over 8 years the NWMO has been lobbying my community South Bruce to become "a willing host" to store spent nuclear fuel in a dgr approximately 30 kms. For the most part this so called learning process they put forward has always focused on the technical as well as geological aspects of this dgr. Information far above what the local rural community (5,890) can absorb or repudiate. It is an ethical dilemma that should be called out for what it is...a sham. To add to this community leaders are compensated through over $1.7 million is so called "community well being funding" to compensate us for our involvement. An outright bribe in my opinion. Another ethical breach and one again that should be called out.
In a report presented to the NWMO from the Seaborn Panel these ethical concerns were noted to both the Federal Senate and the NWMO. Apparently ignored.
I would like to see an ethical peer review be done on the current process the NWMO is using on our small community before declaring South Bruce a "willing host." Also as to what they define as willing because right now there is no "compelling" show of support from what I've seen either as a 30 year resident of the village of Mildmay (SB) or as a member of council who from day one in 2012 have opposed this proposal or any such site within the Great Lakes basin.
NWMO's activity in South Bruce [24]
Thank you for providing feedback on Canada’s plan for the safe, long-term management of used nuclear fuel.
The NWMO has an Ethical and Social Framework [25], which sets out principles that guide our planning, engagement, and decision-making activities. We adopted these ethical and social principles in 2005 and reviewed the framework in 2011, and again in 2018, to ensure it remains appropriate to guide new phases of work.
With respect to peer reviews, one way the NWMO ensures our work is based on the best science is by working with leading scientists and experts from universities, in the industry or as part of international research groups. A particular aspect of this work is peer review, where we request independent external experts to review our work. Learn more here [26]:
As required by the Nuclear Fuel Waste Act, the NWMO also has an Advisory Council, which acts as an independent body comprised of individuals knowledgeable in the management of used nuclear fuel, who also work with people and communities on difficult public policy issues. The Advisory Council ensures the views of the public and communities of interest are considered and reflected in a thoughtful, balanced way in the proposed approaches. They also assist us in ensuring its processes are of good quality, and are open, transparent, thorough, and sound. Find their most recent Triennial Report here [27].
The site selection process for a deep geological repository for Canada’s used nuclear fuel is community-driven and designed to ensure, above all, that any location selected is safe, secure, and has an informed and willing host. We support the communities taking leadership in advancing this project by covering
the costs associated with participating, and we also contribute to community well-being and invest in skills development, education and capacity-building.
Municipal and Indigenous communities in both potential siting areas – South Bruce in southern Ontario and the Ignace area in northwestern Ontario – have independently begun work to define willingness and how they'll measure it to ensure it's done in a meaningful way. The project will only proceed with interested communities, First Nation and Métis communities, and surrounding municipalities, working together to implement it.
Your feedback and contributions are important to us as we consider the project. Canada's plan is adaptive, and it is important for us to receive input from people.
The NWMO recently released a new five-year strategic plan and we are inviting public input to help shape its work going forward. Learn more about the plan and how to access our online survey here [28]. If you have any more questions please email the NWMO at: [29]
The NWMO team